The project ‘Monitoring the Implementation of the Provisions of the Broadcasting Code’ was launched on January the 1st , 2007, and represents the reaction of the civil society to the essential modification of the legal framework dealing with this sector.
The monitoring was determined by both the institutional missions of the associative sector, in general, and, particularly, the essential deviations from the democratic principles and the European recommendations in the process of working out and adopting the new Broadcasting Code.
The respective deviations were repeatedly stated by most of the actors, domestic and foreign, interested in the development of the Moldovan Broadcasting as an indispensable element and a promoter of democratic values and of the European integration of the Moldovan society.
11 non-governmental organizations dealing with mass-media and human rights were involved in carrying out the project, as well as representatives of the academic environment, lawyers and audiovisual professionals, who, under the aegis of the APEL Electronic Press Association, decided to institute a public control mechanism over the way in which the new Moldovan broadcasting legislation is applied.