“The Media Market in Moldova: Realities and Trends”

In 2022, the media in Moldova will continue facing problems that have become pervasive: the influence of politically affiliated holding companies, a lack of financial resources, the exodus of the labor force, and a shortage of qualified staff. Likewise, the media will have to face the effects of COVID-19 and continue to adapt to the realities of the pandemic. These are the main conclusions in the pioneering study “The Media Market in Moldova: Realities and Trends” released by the Independent Journalism Center (IJC) on February 28.

According to the research carried out by the experts Ion Bunduchi and Vasile State, the competitive landscape will remain strongly influenced by politically affiliated holding companies, and competition between television and online media will become more evident, but television will continue to take precedence in consumer preferences and, accordingly, in revenue. Due to the increase in the price of newsprint and potentially in the cost of distributing periodicals, print media may have to reduce circulation and continue to focus on strengthening their online versions.

The advertising market will certainly experience a reduction in consumer demand as a result of currently galloping inflation rates, and because the domestic economy is based on consumer demand, this reduction might lead commercial advertising providers to either shrink their budgets or refocus their advertising policies, including those involving the media.

“The Media Market in Moldova: Realities and Trends” offers a forward-looking, complex x-ray of the media situation in our country and provides reference data on broadcasting, print, online and social media. This important research defines the media market and presents a general analysis of market segments from the perspective of the internal and external factors that stimulate or obstruct market development. It further describes the competitive landscape focusing on market leaders and transactions that have changed the market in recent years like ratings/popularity, founders/final beneficiaries, audience sizes, and income.  The analysis also focuses on the potential of the advertising market, its trends and growth, factors influencing the market, its main customers and promotion channels, as well as a demographic profile of consumers and their preferences.

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