Strategic development & strengthening of legal and regulatory framework for independent media in Moldova (2023)

The overall objective of the project is to develop and strengthen Moldovan legal and regulatory framework for independent media. The immediate objective is to assist in amending the Moldovan media legislation in compliance with media and internet governance standards.

The project involves the continuation of the work of the Working Group for the improvement of media legislation and the team of permanent experts within the Association of Electronic Press in order to provide draft amendments and/or expertise to the primary and secondary legislation.

The project aims to implement the following objectives:

  1. Ensuring the functionality of the Working Group for the improvement of media legislation;
  2. Improving the primary legislation regulating media activity;
  3. Improving secondary legislation regulating the audiovisual sector.

The following activities will be implemented:

  1. Updating the component of the working group for the improvement of media legislation;
  2. Elaboration of the agenda and organization of the working group meetings;
  3. Systematization of proposals and comments made within the working group. Preparation of the final documents with amendments;
  4. Providing the documents with amendments to the Parliamentary Committee for Media;
  5. Continuing cooperation with the CA in order to identify the normative acts that need to be revised;
  6. The expertise of the CA’s normative acts;
  7. Providing to the CA the expertise of normative acts with proposals and recommendations;
  8. Elaboration and presentation the final narrative and financial reports.

The project was implemented between January 1 and August 31, 2023 by APEL with the support of International Media Support (IMS).


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